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Scott Troehler

Executive Producer

With 20 years in media, including the last twelve at a public television station in Illinois as director of production & senior producer, Monticello Media founder and principal Scott Troehler has produced award-winning work in a variety of areas and mediums, including broadcast television, marketing & advertising (print & television), public relations and digital & social media.

  His international travel experience as a television producer includes numerous trips to Taiwan and the United Kingdom.

Follow Scott on Twitter: @Scott217


Angie Weidinger


Angie Weidinger is a reporter, producer and host of several shows for various television stations and production houses in the Midwest. 

  Her journalism career has included working as an anchor/reporter at the CBS and FOX affiliates in Springfield, MO, as an anchor/reporter/online producer at the NBC affiliate in Columbia, MO and as an online writer for a French university in Fontainebleau, France.

  Angie’s received two regional Emmys for her work as well as the national Annie E. Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism and the national NATOA 2010 Award for Social Issues Documentary.

Follow Angie on Twitter: @AngieWeidinger


Scott Troehler
Scott Troehler
A production of Monticello Media LLC
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